Coastal landscape evolution tracked from late Holocene wave-cut
benches in the Sinan Archipelago, Southwest Korea
Glacio-isostatic adjustment (GIA) and tectonic activity are important factors in the formation of marine
terraces. Late Holocenewave-cut benches in the eastern part of theWest Sea of Korea, also called the Yellow
Sea, can be divided into two steps: 531 cm above sea level (ASL) for the upper bench (T2) and 464e481 cm
ASL for the lowerbench (T1). Sediments onthebenches are classified into four units,andare interpreted tobe
beach deposits according to gravel shape, texture, and seaward inclination. The overlying sediment indicates
that T2 was formed at approximately 530 cm ASL before 2900 yr BP, and T1 at approximately 460e480 cm
ASL before 1520 yr BP. Late Holocene (4000e2000 yr BP) relative sea level (RSL) curves based on GIA models
are inconsistent with thewave-cut bench elevations. Comparing T1 and T2 benches to the RSL curves of the
West Sea, the upper and the lower benches were uplifted by approximately 5e8mand 4e7m, respectively.
Although the area is several hundred kilometers away from plate boundaries, the high frequency of earthquakes
in theWest Sea may have induced the uplift of wave-cut benches during the last 2000 years. These
indicate that the west coast of the Korean Peninsula (KP) should no longer be considered an area of subsidence,
but be assigned to a regime of uplift during the late Holocene.