The East AnatoliaeLesser Caucasus ophiolite: An exceptional case of
large-scale obduction, synthesis of data and numerical modelling
We present new, geological, metamorphic, geochemical and geochronological data on the East Anatolian
eLesser Caucasus ophiolites. These data are used in combination with a synthesis of previous data and
numerical modelling to unravel the tectonic emplacement of ophiolites in this region. All these data
allow the reconstruction of a large obducted ophiolite nappe, thrusted for >100 km and up to 250 km on
the Anatolian-Armenian block. The ophiolite petrology shows three distinct magmatic series, highlighted
by new isotopic and trace element data: (1) The main Early Jurassic Tholeiites (ophiolite s.s.) bear LILEenriched,
subduction-modified, MORB chemical composition. Geology and petrology of the Tholeiite
series substantiates a slow-spreading oceanic environment in a time spanning from the Late Triassic to
the Middle‒Late Jurassic. Serpentinites, gabbros and plagiogranites were exhumed by normal faults, and
covered by radiolarites, while minor volumes of pillow-lava flows infilled the rift grabens. Tendency
towards a subduction-modified geochemical signature suggests emplacement in a marginal basin above
a subduction zone. (2) Late Early Cretaceous alkaline lavas conformably emplaced on top of the ophiolite.
They have an OIB affinity. These lavas are featured by large pillow lavas interbedded a carbonate matrix.
They show evidence for a large-scale OIB plume activity, which occurred prior to ophiolite obduction. (3)
Early‒Late Cretaceous calc-alkaline lavas and dykes. These magmatic rocks are found on top of the
obducted nappe, above the post-obduction erosion level. This series shows similar Sr-Nd isotopic features
as the Alkaline series, though having a clear supra-subduction affinity. They are thus interpreted to
be the remelting product of a mantle previously contaminated by the OIB plume. Correlation of data from
the Lesser Caucasus to western Anatolia shows a progression from back-arc to arc and fore-arc, which
highlight a dissymmetry in the obducted oceanic lithosphere from East to West. The metamorphic P-T-t
paths of the obduction sole lithologies define a southward propagation of the ophiolite: (1) P-T-t data
from the northern Sevan-Akera suture zone (Armenia) highlight the presence and exhumation of
eclogites (1.85 0.02 GPa and 590 5 C) and blueschists below the ophiolite, which are dated at ca.
94 Ma by Ar-Ar on phengite. (2) Neighbouring Amasia (Armenia) garnet amphibolites indicate metamorphic
peak conditions of 0.65 0.05 GPa and 600 20 C with a U-Pb on rutile age of 90.2 5.2 Ma
and Ar-Ar on amphibole and phengite ages of 90.8 3.0 Ma and 90.8 1.2 Ma, respectively. These data
are consistent with palaeontological dating of sediment deposits directly under (Cenomanian,
i.e. 93.9 Ma) or sealing (Coniacian‒Santonian, i.e., 89.8 Ma), the obduction. (3) At Hınıs (NE Turkey) PT-
t conditions on amphibolites (0.66 0.06 GPa and 660 20 C, with a U-Pb titanite age of
80.0 3.2 Ma) agree with previous P-T-t data on granulites, and highlight a rapid exhumation below a
top-to-the-North detachment sealed by the Early Maastrichtian unconformity (ca. 70.6 Ma). Amphibolites
are cross-cut by monzonites dated by U-Pb on titanite at 78.3 3.7 Ma. We propose that the HT-MP metamorphism was coeval with the monzonites, about 10 Ma after the obduction, and was triggered by
the onset of subduction South of the Anatolides and by reactivation or acceleration of the subduction
below the Pontides-Eurasian margin. Numerical modelling accounts for the obduction of an “old”
w80 Myr oceanic lithosphere due to a significant heating of oceanic lithosphere through mantle upwelling,
which increased the oceanic lithosphere buoyancy. The long-distance transport of a currently
thin section of ophiolites (<1 km) onto the Anatolian continental margin is ascribed to a combination of
northward mantle extensional thinning of the obducted oceanic lithosphere by the Hınıs detachment at
ca. 80 Ma, and southward gravitational propagation of the ophiolite nappe onto its foreland basin.