Extreme geochemical fractionation during mantle melting: Insights from Hf-Nd isotopically ultra-depleted eclogite

Extreme geochemical fractionation during mantle melting: Insights from Hf-Nd isotopically ultra-depleted eclogite

  • 摘要: Extreme fractionation of elements and isotopes in mafic igneous rocks is abnormal in deciphering the source nature and melting conditions of mafic magmatism. Especially, identification of geochemically ultra-depleted mafic melts and their mantle sources has great bearing on the property of crust-mantle differentiation at plate margins. This is illustrated by extreme Hf-Nd isotope fractionation in ultrahigh-pressure eclogites from the Sulu orogen in east-central China. In addition to the previous finding of ultrahigh εNd(0) values, we report here new data of whole-rock trace elements and Lu-Hf isotopes in eclogites and related rocks from the same region. The present results show extremely high Lu/Hf ratios and abnormally high εHf(0) values of up to 576 for the eclogites, significantly different from the garnet amphibolites and other eclogite-facies metamorphic rocks in the same orogen. This feature is coupled with the ultrahigh εNd(0) values as well as the severe depletion of light rare earth elements (LREE) and high field strength elements (HFSE). Because HFSE and LREE are immobile in aqueous solutions and the effect of melt extraction is insignificant during the continental deep subduction, the extreme fractionation of Lu/Hf and Sm/Nd indicate their origination from a geochemically ultra-depleted mantle source. These eclogites have the depleted mantle Hf model ages of 1.27 Ga to 1.61 Ga, similar to the depleted mantle Nd model ages of 1.39 Ga to 1.67 Ga as previously reported. This suggests that the protolith of the extremely high εHf-εNd eclogites was a kind of mafic igneous rocks derived from fractional crystallization of geochemically ultra-depleted mafic melts, which were produced by partial melting of the highly refractory lithospheric mantle during a series of seafloor spreading initiation-failure cycles at a divergent plate margin after the breakup of supercontinent Columbia in the Early Mesoproterozoic. The mafic igneous rocks were located in a passive continental margin in the Late Paleozoic and experienced deep subduction and exhumation in the Triassic, giving rise to the presently studied eclogites. The ancient geochemical signatures were retained without considerable influence by mantle convection, providing insights into the nature of crust-mantle differentiation during the tectonic transition from supercontinental breakup to seafloor spreading beneath the sub-ridge lithospheric mantle.


    Abstract: Extreme fractionation of elements and isotopes in mafic igneous rocks is abnormal in deciphering the source nature and melting conditions of mafic magmatism. Especially, identification of geochemically ultra-depleted mafic melts and their mantle sources has great bearing on the property of crust-mantle differentiation at plate margins. This is illustrated by extreme Hf-Nd isotope fractionation in ultrahigh-pressure eclogites from the Sulu orogen in east-central China. In addition to the previous finding of ultrahigh εNd(0) values, we report here new data of whole-rock trace elements and Lu-Hf isotopes in eclogites and related rocks from the same region. The present results show extremely high Lu/Hf ratios and abnormally high εHf(0) values of up to 576 for the eclogites, significantly different from the garnet amphibolites and other eclogite-facies metamorphic rocks in the same orogen. This feature is coupled with the ultrahigh εNd(0) values as well as the severe depletion of light rare earth elements (LREE) and high field strength elements (HFSE). Because HFSE and LREE are immobile in aqueous solutions and the effect of melt extraction is insignificant during the continental deep subduction, the extreme fractionation of Lu/Hf and Sm/Nd indicate their origination from a geochemically ultra-depleted mantle source. These eclogites have the depleted mantle Hf model ages of 1.27 Ga to 1.61 Ga, similar to the depleted mantle Nd model ages of 1.39 Ga to 1.67 Ga as previously reported. This suggests that the protolith of the extremely high εHf-εNd eclogites was a kind of mafic igneous rocks derived from fractional crystallization of geochemically ultra-depleted mafic melts, which were produced by partial melting of the highly refractory lithospheric mantle during a series of seafloor spreading initiation-failure cycles at a divergent plate margin after the breakup of supercontinent Columbia in the Early Mesoproterozoic. The mafic igneous rocks were located in a passive continental margin in the Late Paleozoic and experienced deep subduction and exhumation in the Triassic, giving rise to the presently studied eclogites. The ancient geochemical signatures were retained without considerable influence by mantle convection, providing insights into the nature of crust-mantle differentiation during the tectonic transition from supercontinental breakup to seafloor spreading beneath the sub-ridge lithospheric mantle.


