Sandy seepage faces as bioactive nitrate reactors: Biogeochemistry, microbial ecology and metagenomics

Sandy seepage faces as bioactive nitrate reactors: Biogeochemistry, microbial ecology and metagenomics

  • 摘要: Subterranean estuaries are highly dynamic in processing dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN). Here we investigate DIN turnover in surface sediments (0-20 cm depth) at the higher, medium and lower intertidal of a seepage face, i.e., the outer “mouth” of the subterranean estuary, during four consecutive seasons in Sanggou Bay, China. Throughout the studied period, ammonium (NH4+) and nitrite (NO2) concentrations in the sampled porewaters did not vary significantly with depth or season. In contrast, peaks in porewater nitrate (NO3) concentration and decreases in δ15N-NO3 and δ18O-NO3 were observed in the 15-20 cm depth (bottom) sediment, particularly during summer and autumn. Coupled with NO3 production, the sediment total nitrogen was also markedly peaking in the bottom layer of the studied seepage face. Together with abundant heterotrophic microbes in the sediment, this NO3 accumulation was linked to a reaction chain including organic matter decomposition, ammonification and nitrification. During winter, porewater enrichment in total nitrogen occurred closer to the surface of the seepage face but triggered also active NO3 production. This pattern reinforced the importance of pelagic organic matter supply on NO3 production. In the shallower depths of the seepage face (<12 cm), active net NO3 removal occurred except in winter. The isotopic fractionation (δ15N-NO3 and δ18O-NO3) and metagenomic results revealed denitrification as the main pathway for NO3 reduction. Biological assimilation from benthic primary producers may also consume a fraction of NO3 at the sediment water interface. Both NO3 production and removal significantly varied in magnitude with season (−13.6 to 6.2 nmol cm−3 h−1). Substrate supply was the key driver for nitrate cycling, as evidenced by the high NO3 production rate in spring by comparison to autumn. The highest NO3 turnover rates were found in summer, suggesting the combined influence of advection rates and sediment microbiota composition. In spite of active removal (peak NO3 removal capability: 61%), a significant amount of NO3 was still transported from the seepage face into the bay waters. The magnitude of NO3 fluxes ranged from 312 to 476 kg N d−1, accounting for approximately 15% of the total exogenous NO3 loading into the bay. NO3 isotopic fingerprint revealed chemical fertilizer as the main source of terrestrial NO3 in SGD, highlighting the importance of land use to coastal system nitrogen budgets.


    Abstract: Subterranean estuaries are highly dynamic in processing dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN). Here we investigate DIN turnover in surface sediments (0-20 cm depth) at the higher, medium and lower intertidal of a seepage face, i.e., the outer “mouth” of the subterranean estuary, during four consecutive seasons in Sanggou Bay, China. Throughout the studied period, ammonium (NH4+) and nitrite (NO2) concentrations in the sampled porewaters did not vary significantly with depth or season. In contrast, peaks in porewater nitrate (NO3) concentration and decreases in δ15N-NO3 and δ18O-NO3 were observed in the 15-20 cm depth (bottom) sediment, particularly during summer and autumn. Coupled with NO3 production, the sediment total nitrogen was also markedly peaking in the bottom layer of the studied seepage face. Together with abundant heterotrophic microbes in the sediment, this NO3 accumulation was linked to a reaction chain including organic matter decomposition, ammonification and nitrification. During winter, porewater enrichment in total nitrogen occurred closer to the surface of the seepage face but triggered also active NO3 production. This pattern reinforced the importance of pelagic organic matter supply on NO3 production. In the shallower depths of the seepage face (<12 cm), active net NO3 removal occurred except in winter. The isotopic fractionation (δ15N-NO3 and δ18O-NO3) and metagenomic results revealed denitrification as the main pathway for NO3 reduction. Biological assimilation from benthic primary producers may also consume a fraction of NO3 at the sediment water interface. Both NO3 production and removal significantly varied in magnitude with season (−13.6 to 6.2 nmol cm−3 h−1). Substrate supply was the key driver for nitrate cycling, as evidenced by the high NO3 production rate in spring by comparison to autumn. The highest NO3 turnover rates were found in summer, suggesting the combined influence of advection rates and sediment microbiota composition. In spite of active removal (peak NO3 removal capability: 61%), a significant amount of NO3 was still transported from the seepage face into the bay waters. The magnitude of NO3 fluxes ranged from 312 to 476 kg N d−1, accounting for approximately 15% of the total exogenous NO3 loading into the bay. NO3 isotopic fingerprint revealed chemical fertilizer as the main source of terrestrial NO3 in SGD, highlighting the importance of land use to coastal system nitrogen budgets.


