PetroGram: An excel-based petrology program for modeling of magmatic processes
PetroGram: An excel-based petrology program for modeling of magmatic processes
摘要: PetroGram is an Excel© based magmatic petrology program that generates numerical and graphical models. PetroGram can model the magmatic processes such as melting, crystallization, assimilation and magma mixing based on the trace element and isotopic data. The program can produce both inverse and forward geochemical models for melting processes (e.g. forward model for batch, fractional and dynamic melting, and inverse model for batch and dynamic melting). However, the program uses a forward modeling approach for magma differentiation processes such as crystallization (EC: Equilibruim Crystallization, FC: Fractional Crystallization, IFC: Imperfect Fractional Crystallization and In-situ Crystallization), assimilation (AFC: Assimilation Fractional Crystallization, Decoupled FC-A: Decoupled Fractional Crystallization and Assimillation, A-IFC: Assimilation and Imperfect Fractional Crystallization) and magma mixing. One of the most important advantages of the program is that the melt composition obtained from any partial melting model can be used as a starting composition of the crystallization, assimilation and magma mixing. In addition, PetroGram is able to carry out the classification, tectonic setting, multi-element (spider) and isotope correlation diagrams, and basic calculations including Mg#, Eu/Eu*, εSr and εNd widely used in magmatic petrology.Abstract: PetroGram is an Excel© based magmatic petrology program that generates numerical and graphical models. PetroGram can model the magmatic processes such as melting, crystallization, assimilation and magma mixing based on the trace element and isotopic data. The program can produce both inverse and forward geochemical models for melting processes (e.g. forward model for batch, fractional and dynamic melting, and inverse model for batch and dynamic melting). However, the program uses a forward modeling approach for magma differentiation processes such as crystallization (EC: Equilibruim Crystallization, FC: Fractional Crystallization, IFC: Imperfect Fractional Crystallization and In-situ Crystallization), assimilation (AFC: Assimilation Fractional Crystallization, Decoupled FC-A: Decoupled Fractional Crystallization and Assimillation, A-IFC: Assimilation and Imperfect Fractional Crystallization) and magma mixing. One of the most important advantages of the program is that the melt composition obtained from any partial melting model can be used as a starting composition of the crystallization, assimilation and magma mixing. In addition, PetroGram is able to carry out the classification, tectonic setting, multi-element (spider) and isotope correlation diagrams, and basic calculations including Mg#, Eu/Eu*, εSr and εNd widely used in magmatic petrology.